ARIA 104


ARIA 104 is a new generation, light and compact turbine driven ventilator with a large touch screen colour display of 10.4”. It is able to offer a wide range of invasive and non-invasive ventilation modes for the treatment of adult, paediatric, newborn and premature patients, thanks to its dedicated software that allows to set Tidal Volume from 2 ml. Great ability to compensate patient’s inspiratory flow leaks up to a maximum of 240 l/min., with or without pressure support.

Optional accessories

G80063010 Additional battery group
G00214000 Tubular support for ventilator and cylinder with bag
G00213001  10g plate for rapid release for ambulance
G91000000 CO2 sidestream module
G92000000 CO2 mainstream module
00326 Trolley
06750/SB Stainless steel patient circuit supporting arm


980104/A: ARIA 104 lung ventilator